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#  Sampling locations and ancillary data for bulk chemical and molecular characterization of organic carriers and their partition coefficients with radionuclide marine tracers.
#  PI: Peter H. Santschi
#  Version: 2019-04-11
Sample_ID  Cruise              Station  Latitude  Longitude  Water_depth  Sampling_depth  Salinity  Temperature  descriptive_location  notes                                                      
C1         ORI-925 (May 2010)  26       22.2      -119.09    20           5               30.23     17.05        West Pacific Ocean    nd                                                         
C2         ORI-925 (May 2010)  28       22.75     -119.78    60           5               34.67     22.18        West Pacific Ocean    nd                                                         
C3         ORI-925 (May 2010)  30       22.54     -120.06    130          5               34.5      24.8         West Pacific Ocean    nd                                                         
C4         ORI-925 (May 2010)  32       21.75     -120.35    1481         5               34.34     26.15        West Pacific Ocean    nd                                                         
C5         ORI-925 (May 2010)  W06      21.75     -124.25    5581         110             34.8      21.51        West Pacific Ocean    nd                                                         
C6         ORI-925 (May 2010)  W12      21.75     -122.39    4832         70              34.8      24.74        West Pacific Ocean    nd                                                         
C7         ORI-925 (May 2010)  W16      21.75     -121.13    1025         80              34.86     23.89        West Pacific Ocean    nd                                                         
C8         ORI-892 (Mar 2009)  30       22        -125       5850         5000            34.86     1.66         West Pacific Ocean    nd                                                         
C9         ORI-892 (Mar 2009)  30       22        -125       5850         20              34.63     23.58        West Pacific Ocean    nd                                                         
C10        ORI-892 (Mar 2009)  30       22        -125       5850         95              34.65     22.81        West Pacific Ocean    nd                                                         
C11        MCH (Aug 2010)      A14      28.95     -94.94     18.5         2               31.06     31.7         Gulf of Mexico        Cruise of NOAA/TAMU Mechanisms Controlling Hypoxia (MCH).